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History of the American Home: The Gilded Age to Post-WWI (Part 5)

From the Queen Anne to the Craftsman, we’re going to cover a wide range of homes in this fifth installment of the History of the American Home! This episode will include American homes from the Gilded Age (1870s) all the way up through the end of World War I. In short, we’re going from “old … Continue reading »

Categories: agent lucas, amanda lucas realtor, american home, history, housing, real estate | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on History of the American Home: The Gilded Age to Post-WWI (Part 5)

History of the American Home: The New Territories (Part 4)

The New Territories and the Frontier It is a brave new world…for American home designs! For this installment, we’re going to focus on the New Territories and the Frontier and the home styles that were developed there. First of all, the time frame we’re exploring this time is approximately the early to mid 1800’s through … Continue reading »

Categories: agent lucas, amanda lucas realtor, american home, history, housing, real estate | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on History of the American Home: The New Territories (Part 4)

History of the American Home: Independent America (Part 3)

Hello and welcome back to our trip through the history of the American home! For this installment, we’re taking a look at Independent America. This means any style of home that took hold after the American Revolution. After the War for Independence, Americans consequently didn’t want much to do with the “English influence” that pre-1776 … Continue reading »

Categories: agent lucas, amanda lucas realtor, american home, history, housing, real estate | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on History of the American Home: Independent America (Part 3)

History of the American Home: Colonial America (Part 2)

You might not know this about me, but I’m an absolute history geek. While my bachelor’s degree is in geography/cartography from Gustavus Adolphus College, my minor was in history. Truth be told, history is my passion outside of work, sports, and choir. My husband can attest to the dozens of books I haveĀ at home that … Continue reading »

Categories: agent lucas, amanda lucas realtor, american home, history, housing, real estate | Tags: , , , , , , , | Comments Off on History of the American Home: Colonial America (Part 2)

History of the American Home: Early America (Part 1)

Hello everyone! Due to some sort of massive technical difficulty…I’ve lost all of my previous blogs that I created. I’m starting from scratch and I figured I’d begin with a quick series on the history of the American home. In the course of taking my yearly continuing education, I came across a two part class … Continue reading »

Categories: agent lucas, amanda lucas realtor, american home, history, housing, real estate | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on History of the American Home: Early America (Part 1)